Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit - District 12

Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit
District 12



What To Do If Accused By the Children's Aid Society?

How to access Key to Learn

Please note that forms related to the employer (requests for leaves, payroll deposit issues, etc) can be found on the TDSB website. Because they change from time to time, we do not repost them here. We cannot post the links because the TDSB staff site is password protected.

From the TDSB website click Staff and proceed to log in. Most forms can be found on TDSB Web > Employee Services.


EI Info

When placed on a leave or during a time period where no work is available (e.g. summer or winter break) the TDSB will create a Record of Employment and submit it directly to Service Canada.

This document contains information about your earnings and insurable hours that Service Canada will use to determine if you are eligible for EI benefits.

OSSTF can not represent you to Service Canada in terms of contesting or challenging rulings on EI eligibility.

The rules for EI benefits change from time to time and we are not trained on the changes, nor are we necessarily even informed of them. For this reason, you will need to deal directly with Service Canada for all EI (including maternity EI) related matters.


Health and Safety Forms

To see a list of TDSB Health & Safety Forms online, you must log into the TSDB website.

Click Staff> Log In> TDSB Web >Login > Employee Services > Health & Safety> H & S Reporting Forms
Office e-mail address: otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca
Office telephone number: 416 423-3600
95 Thorncliffe Park Dr #1708, Toronto
Toronto Division
Ontario M4H 1L7, Canada
Copyright OTBUD
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You may reset your password by using the link below or by contacting us at otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca.

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