Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit - District 12

Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit
District 12


The Elections are governed by the rules established under Bylaw 2 of the OTBU Constitution.
The election will be coordinated and conducted by the Election Committee.
OTBU members may be nominated for election by providing to the Election Committee, through the OTBU
Secretary, their name and the signature of a supporting OTBU member. Nominations for any position require
the submission of the completed official Candidate Nomination Form found on the OTBU website. The
nomination form must be received by the due date and must be in order for a nomination to stand.
Candidates may be nominated for up to two (2) different elected positions on the Executive:
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President
Executive Officer (4 positions)

Candidates shall have the opportunity to make an election speech at the AGM.
• Five (5) minutes for the position of President, two (2) minutes for any other position.
• The Constitution does not permit proxy presentations.
• The Candidate, not a third party, must submit all forms.

The Candidates who submit their nominations to the Election Committee, through the OTBU Secretary, on the
official OTBU Candidate Nomination Form, by April 20, 2022, may also advertise their candidacy in the election
issue of the OTBU Newsletter The Call Out, by providing, concurrent to their nomination form, a copy of the
advertisement. Reference the 2020 Election issue.
Bylaws the advertisement to be no bigger than 2 3/8 inches by 6 ¾ inches. which may be edited by the
Elections Committee to adhere to a standard format if necessary. (AGM 21) A candidate for Executive elections may, in an election year, distribute election literature at the
Annual General Meeting (AGM). All literature to be distributed at the AGM must be presented for the approval of
the CHAIR of the AGM, via the OTBU Secretary, at least ten (10) Days prior to the AGM. (AGM 2018)
2.1.10 The ballots shall be counted by the third-party firm administering the telephone and electronic
formats under the supervision and with the participation of the Election Committee. (AGM 2019)
2.1.13 The results of the election shall be first provided, by the third-party firm administering the
election, to the Chief Returning Officer who will authorize the OTBU Secretary to post the results
on the OTBU Website within two (2) Days following the deadline set by the Elections Committee.
(AGM 21) Each candidate shall be allowed one scrutineer to verify) the counting process. (AGM 21)
Voting instructions will be sent to each Member eligible to vote at their address on file with the OSSTF Provincial
Office. The 2022 Election affords the member the opportunity to vote on-line or by phone.
The ballot will be considered valid if it is received on, or before, the date established by the Election Committee.
The results of the election will be posted on the OTBU Website.

More Q & A

Link to text of Regulation 274

Report on Regulation 274

Office e-mail address: otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca
Office telephone number: 416 423-3600
95 Thorncliffe Park Dr #1708, Toronto
Toronto Division
Ontario M4H 1L7, Canada
Copyright OTBUD
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