Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit - District 12

Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit
District 12



Call for motions to the OTBU D12 AGM

OTBU D12 Executive 2024-2026

Compliance Training

Compliance Training continued

Update on the 50 Day Rule

Opportunity to Join the Newer Member Advisory Workgroup

Pay Statements, Pension, Working limits,T4s & T2200

Know how to get your Correct Pay

Mandatory Compliance Training

A reminder to complete your online mandatory compliance training on the TDSB website. If the training is completed by January 17, 2025, you will be paid for it In February 2025.
Please note that this counts as either a day or half day of work!
Office e-mail address: otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca
Office telephone number: 416 423-3600
95 Thorncliffe Park Dr #1708, Toronto
Toronto Division
Ontario M4H 1L7, Canada
Copyright OTBUD
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Please contact us at otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca.
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You may reset your password by using the link below or by contacting us at otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca.

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