The OTBU D12 Annual General Meeting will be held on May 14 at the OLD MILL.
Registration details to follow.
Call for motions to the OTBU D12 AGM
Motions for the AGM should be emailed to the OTBU at least twenty days prior to the May 14th AGM. Please submit via: otbu.office@d12.osstf.ca
OTBU D12 Executive 2024-2026
OTBU Executive 2024-2026
President Linda Bartram
First VP: Elaine Karroum
Second VP: Jamie Whitaker
Secretary: Lillian Speedie-Court
Treasuruer: Michael Fraschetti
Executive Officers:
Louise Baldacchino
Mitch Bubulj
Sarah Giddens
Susy Taylor
Please note: All OTBU Executive positions are part-time.
Compliance Training
An email was sent on November 13 to your TDSB email address. It outlines when you will be paid for the completion of your compliance training.
If you are a retiree the completion of the training and payment counts as a 1/2 day towards your 50 days. Be sure to read the email, it will tell you in what month that 1/2 is counted.
All compliance training must be done by January 17, 2025.
Compliance Training continued
An email was sent to your TDSB email address on November 13, 2024 about Compliance training.
Some highlights:
All Occasional Teachers and Emergency Replacement
Persons not on approved leave must complete compliance
training during non-work hours.
Payment for completed training will be processed as follows:
Course Completion Period and Compensation Schedule
Course Complete: September 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024
Payment: December 19, 2024
Course Completed:November 1, 2024- January 17, 2025
Payment: February 27, 2025
Please note that if you are a Retiree receiving OTPP payments and you complete all
required Compliance Training (2024-2025), either a half-day or a full day of work will be added towards your OTPP Re-employment limit for the school year. The date allocated to your calendar for re-employment days is determined by the training completion date (the date you completed all required training in myPATH). When calculating your days worked, please allocate this half-day or full-day based on your training completion date and not the payment date to ensure you do not exceed your OTPP re-employment limit.
Questions related to OTPP Re-employment limit can be directed to:
Update on the 50 Day Rule
For the school years 2020 -2021 to 2022-2023 the number of days a retireed OT could work was temporatily raised form 50 to 95 as a result of a severe OT shortage thoughout the province. Last year 2023-2024 it stayed at 50. That decision came late in the year and took everyone, especially the OTBU D12 by surprise and disapproval.
Allthough there are continuing OT shortages all indications are that the number of days a retiree may work without affecting their pension will remain at 50 for this school year.
Please go to the OTPP website for additional information on the 50 day rule.
Opportunity to Join the Newer Member Advisory Workgroup
The Provincial Executive is seeking up to eight (8) Members who have been part of OSSTF/FEESO for eight (8) years or less, to serve on the New Member Engagement Advisory Work Group (NMEAWG) for two years. The work group expects to meet three times per year, but workgroup members must be able to secure time release from their Bargaining Unit. Read the full document.
Pay Statements, Pension, Working limits,T4s & T2200
Your pay statement and compensation info will be available online only at MyINFO the Wednesday before pay day.
Your T4 slip and T2200 forms will also be available online.
For more information, please contact: myINFO Help Desk by phone at 416-338-4747 - Option 4, or by email at myINFOhelp@tdsb.on.ca
Do you have questions about your pension or working day limits this year as a retired teacher and OT? Contact the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan below! This is a friendly reminder that neither OSSTF, OTBU, OTIP, OCT, or the TDSB are able to answer your questions about pensions.
Login to your OTIP account: at https://www.otpp.com/
Email: inquiry@otpp.com
Phone: 416-226-2700 or 1-800-668-0105 (toll free)
Fax: 416-730-7807 or1-800-949-8208 (toll free)
Know how to get your Correct Pay
Sections 12.0.0 to 12.9.0 of the Collective Agreement lay out the details of how an LTO will be paid. As an LTO teacher you will be subject to the contract teachers' grid placement process.
IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to provide the TDSB with your Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO) rating statement, as well as proof of any relevant teaching experience with other Boards.
You must provide the documents, or complete the Letter of Intent, before the strict deadline of the last day of the LTO position.
You are strongly advised to complete the Online Change in Salary - Online Letter of Intent as soon as you begin an LTO position.
Log onto the TDSBWeb, click on Employee Services, then select the following from the left-hand side menu: Forms • Occasional Teaching • Change in Salary - Online Letter of Intent
You can access the full Collective Agreement on our website http://www.otbud12.com/
Mandatory Compliance Training
A reminder to complete your online mandatory compliance training on the TDSB website. If the training is completed by January 17, 2025, you will be paid for it In February 2025.
Please note that this counts as either a day or half day of work!